Instructions As you’ve no doubt already noticed, creating your own Misebirakasu requires a resource editor. Resorcerer is highly recommended, and is the sole resource editing tool used by the author. It is also highly recommended that you use the latest version of Misebirakasu, and to that end, you should probably read the new chapter entitled “Upgrading Old Copies.” Working on a copy of the “blank” Misebirakasu included in this package- To be considered a chapter, a pair of TEXT/styl resources must have the same ID. Misebirakasu loads TEXT/styl 128 as the first chapter. Chapters must be numbered consecutively starting with 128. The name that appears in the Chapters menu is the name of the corresponding TEXT resource. If you don’t want more than one chapter, just make sure you only have one set of TEXT/styl resources (must be ID 128). The Chapters menu will not appear in this case, and neither will the chapter switching buttons and the status bar. The name of the TEXT resource will be used as the name of the Chapter. In the Finder, change the name of the Misebirakasu application to whatever you want to call your text. The name of the display window will be changed to the name of the application when the application starts up. Also in the Finder, set the Finder Memory Partition for Misebirakasu, using the following guidelines: Add 100k to the total size of your largest TEXT/styl resource pair. This is the minimum to which you should set Misebiraksu’s memory. This is actually a conservative estimate, but a safe one. If you use pictures, be aware that Misebiraksu now keeps all of the current Chapter’s pictures in memory for speed. If Misebirakasu crashes, you know the amount of memory is too low, unless it’s my fault, in which case it would be a good idea to report what happened. Optional Modifications ⌥8000 Pictures Within the Text Type a Control-S, then the resource ID of the picture you want to display there. You must use four characters for the id number: thus, 0128 is OK, but 128 is not. ⌥8000 Icons and Styles in the Chapters menu Your Chapter menu can have icons, styles and command keys, just like the Chapter menu in this Misebirakasu. To do this, you must add special characters to the titles of your Chapters. These characters won’t show up in the menu or the status bar. Warning: you must not put ( (open parentheses) in a Chapter name. This will disable the ability to select that chapter. Use brackets [ ] instead. For Icons: ICON and cicn resources must be numbered starting at 257. Put ^ in the title of your chapter, and directly after it, put the id of your icon minus 256. For example: “Teenage wasteland^1” would be the name of a Chapter titled “Teenage wasteland,” and ICON or cicn ID 257 would appear in the menu next to it. For Styles: Put < in the title of your chapter, and directly follow it with the first letter of the standard Mac style you want. Example: “